Evergreen-Flute (and Piano)
Evergreen-Flute (and Piano)
A gentle, lilting theme for early-level players that is great for building tone and expression.
The melody is gentle and lilting in character with a simple well-balanced melody.
The piece uses simple diatonic and arpeggiated phrases to develop the player’s technical abilities.
Through the use of long, smooth phrases, the player’s musicality, and tonal abilities develop.
The piece also explores the use of major tonalities juxtaposed with minor tonalities. This is useful in developing the player’s ability to understand
the subtle tonal and textural nuances associated with each tonality.
“Evergreen” is the perfect choice for concerts, recitals, and music exams because of its moderate technical, tonal, and expressive demands on the performer.
Level: Beginner-Intermediate
Performance and backing tracks are included with this piece.