Frequently Asked Questions
Can You Help Me If I Bought Music From Another Website?
No. This site is the only legal and authorized website that can sell Andy Firth’s Music. To get assistance with any product you purchased from us you will need to supply your customer name and or an order number which is supplied in the purchase order email you received, (and also on every page of your music you purchased from us). Without either of these details, regretfully we can not help you.
When Will I Receive My Purchases?
The answer to this is simple-Immediately! Everything on our website is instantly downloadable. You will not receive any physical product from us via postal mail. All sheet music is in pdf form and the audio tracks are high quality mp3 format.
How do I access my music?
Any and ALL sheet music (and performance/backing tracks) will be sent to you via the email order
that you received shortly after you completed your purchase in the shopping cart area.
Simply click on each link once only under the download column and your music and audio tracks will download to your browser’s download folder.
How do I open my purchases?
The sheet music that you download from us is pdf locked for security purposes. The password to unlock your music is the email address you input at the shopping cart area. If you have several email addresses that you use, make a note of which you used at the time of each purchase.
I Have Reached My Download Limit
This is one of the most frequently asked questions. If you get this message: “Sorry, you have reached your download limit for this file Go to shop” , this means that you have clicked too many times on the link, the product has downloaded in the background, and or, there was a problem with your internet download for some reason. If this happens, simply use the “contact us” menu form and we will sort out the issue for you. We are able to see a record of how many times your order downloaded successfully and can re-set any order that has failed. Rest assured, you will always get your purchases from us!
The music won’t open. What can I do?
To date, we have not had this issue once the correct email is entered into the prompt. The system is fool-proof in this regard. However, should this happen, here are the reasons for this.
- A typo when entering your email address when you registered either as a subscriber or in the shopping cart area of the site.
- You may have used a different email to register or in the shopping cart area and are entering the wrong email address to open the music.
- Your caps lock on or have accidentally added a space before typing your email address. You have made a typo entering your email address when trying to open the music.
If any of these issues are not able to resolve the issue, simply contact us via the “contact us” menu form and we will sort this out for you.
How many times can I open and print the music?
As many times as you need to. The password to open your music will never expire! Do keep in mind though that the music you purchase from us is for your use only. Every page of your sheet music has been stamped (without obscuring any of the music) at the bottom right hand corner with your name, your email address, the order number, the date & time of the order. Not only is this added security for your purchase but also proof of lawful purchase which is required for examination and some performance events now.
How do I use the performance/backing tracks?
All performance/backing tracks are in high quality mp3 format and will open on any device that supports mp3s. So, any digital device you have at your disposal. Simply unlock the zip file/s and double click the track/s you want to use. Most digital devices will automatically select and active the application needed for mp3 playback.
How do I transfer my mp3 audio tracks to a digital device?
Unfortunately, as we are publishers, we can’t give you any technical advice about digital devices, it’s not what we do. However, most digital devices have plenty of “how to” support via YouTube or the manufacturer’s website or support services. Transferring mp3s and other files is a No.1 “Hot Topic” so there’s bound to be reams of information on this.
Can I purchase hard copies of the music on the site?
Unfortunately the answer is no you can not for a few good reasons.
- The cost of postage/mail is prohibitive and your products would be more than double the price displayed on the website.
- The price of printing and binding is expensive and customers have reported to us that they prefer the options open to them for printing and displaying the music in the manner they want. Physical products limit these options severely.
- Updates and improvements to the music on the site can be made within minutes whereas physical product needs re-printing and that’s expensive for all involved.
Can I record or video myself using Andy Firth’s music/products?
Yes you can! However, there are conditions (free of charge) that apply to any user of our music/products in this manner. Any public use or broadcast via any means of the products from Andy Firth Music must clearly state:
- The title of the song used
- List Andy Firth as the composer, arranger & copyright holder
- Include in the description or video: “This piece is published by & available from andyfirthmusic.com”
Can I commission Andy Firth to compose or arrange music for me or my ensemble?
Yes you can! Andy is an award-winning composer having composed and arranged for both TV, Film and professional ensembles. Andy has composed over 1,000 pieces and can write in many styles, even songs with lyrics. You can commission Andy to compose a song, instrumental composition or even something for a large ensemble/big band. However, Andy can only arrange music that has been cleared for use by the publisher/copyright owner/s or is in the public domain globally or an original work.
Simply, send us an email via the “contact us” form and we will get back to you to discuss your request.
If you have any further questions, please contact us via the “contact us” menu form and we will get back to you as soon as we can.
Warmest regards from us all at Andy Firth Music.